In the span of past 15-20 years, mobile phone devices have become much more than just a means for communication. Different navigational applications helping people find the right routes to their destination, or shopping applications aiding individuals in finding the right shoe-size, mobile phone applications have developed into a serious tool. Mobile phones usually lie latent in our pockets until we need something, then a few swipes and clicks help us find what we’re looking for in our, what google coined it as “Micro-moments”.
Not only does that make mobile phone a stern professional instrument, with technology skyrocketing by the minute, the people and businesses of the world rely more on mobile phone applications. An average American spends more than 180 minutes a day staring at their mobile phones. Though the demographics may differ, the underlying science of mobile phone applications solving problems remains the same. However, if you are looking to develop an application that solves a problem, or provides an initiative for you in the digital world of mobile phone applications, then you should consider some key elements of application development.
Operating Systems
Mobile phones in current age revolved around two main platforms, or operating systems known as Android and iOS. Google and its subsidiary known as the Open Handset Alliance owns and distributes Android around the world. However, apple owns everything about iOS, and Apple exclusively produces the operating system and its applications for their flagship product, iPhones and iPads.
Type of Applications
There are the two main types of applications
- Hybrid Applications
- Native Applications
Hybrid applications are platform reactive, and adapt according to its host device. Cost effectiveness and nimble development sequence are two of their main advantages. However, compared to native apps hybrid applications are slow by a small margin, their main benefits lies in their programming languages, which require relatively lesser amount of work in comparison to native applications.
Analysis and Planning
The analysis of already existing applications goes a long way in developing new apps. Already successful and running applications provide a business model and inspiration for new start-ups. For example, to create an app like Uber, you will have to conduct deep and systematic analysis of what makes their application successful. However, there are experts and app development services that already provide these services.
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At the end, all you need to involve yourself is with the planning of the application. From how you want it to look, to how it will perform. Planning an interface and user experience ahead of time is one of the key elements of developing a mobile application. How you want it to look will directly affect how it will perform.
People usually go for unmatched performance when it comes to an application; however, the design of an application is one of the key players in its success. The importance of a proper UI cannot stress enough, as it will be your application’s map. Just as a proper UI, a proper UX (User Experience) is just as important. For example, the animation that occurs when you swipe an application or it transits to another screen.
Development and Testing
Once you decide the application platform: hybrid or native. Then comes the stage of actual application development, aka programming. However, many application development services offer their own framework (format), that have developed overtime according to the type of an application or the service it provides. Nevertheless, app developers offer building an application from the ground up, with a unique native programming for your application.
App development companies conduct the testing of your application through various methods, such as real time testing, aka testing it on each platforms, Android or iOS. Native applications test will only conduct on their designated operating system. However, Hybrid applications pass through bumpier testing methods as they are to perform and operate on either platforms equally.
The maintenance of an application is the act of providing support to the users, and assuring the application’s smooth download and upkeep. The primary idea behind maintaining an application is upgrades. The better application becomes overtime, it increases its chances of becoming more popular and possibly get ahead of its peers. The provision of maintenance is through multiple methods, one of the main scheme is an application developer providing back end support online.
The idea of your application is its driving force. What are the answers it provides to the questions answered by billions of mobile users around the world. Keep in mind the application you are making is going to open up doors and probably knock some down on the way if your idea is ground breaking. However, a good idea does not promise certainty to make a successful app. The design and development, along with the performance and support after download are key players in the success of a concrete mobile application.